Summerall Chapel Organ Fund

As of October 16, 2018: $698,934.47 is committed!

THANK YOU to all who have donated to this project!

Phase One of our project is complete, and the new console has been installed. The second phase of the rebuild is the installation of the first two sets of pipes. A set of the refurbished pipes are on display in Summerall Chapel to raise awareness and show progress of our efforts. The remaining goal is to raise an additional $388,099.26 so the pipe restoration process can begin. If 5,000 individuals gave $100, we could raise these funds.

Major Donor Recognition: Those who donate $15,000 or more to the project have the opportunity to be recognized by name on new signage to be located on the south alcove wall of Summerall Chapel. Recognition can include individual donors, alumni clubs or classes and corporations or foundations.

For more information, please contact Katie Hurtt at The Citadel Foundation, or (843) 953-6914 or Mackay Salley, at 336-317-2275 or

Give to the Summerall Chapel Organ Fund >>

Chapel Organ Timeline:

  • 1936: Summerall Chapel was built and a 34-rank pipe organ was designed to be worthy of the magnificent construction of our chapel.
  • 1949: Six ranks of pipes were added to the organ.
  • 1960: A new four-manual console was built.
  • 1965: Retaining thirty-six of the existing ranks, 28 new ranks of pipes were added, making the organ complete with 64 total ranks.
  • 1985: This magnificent organ that lasted about 50 years last played in 1985. Funds were not available to restore the pipe organ, so the decision was made to purchase an electronic organ until funds could be raised. That electronic organ is now in need of replacement.
  • 2005 - present: An effort has been underway to restore the pipe organ to its original grandeur.